3 February 2023 | ASA Conference: ESG and disputes: flash in the pan or game changer?, Zurich, Switzerland, panel discussion leader on
Environmental Footprint of Arbitration Practitioners – towards greener arbitrations?
18 November 2023 | Recht in der Mediation – ein Balanceakt zwischen zwei Welten, Webinar, Recht als Ressource zur Lösung des
28 June 2022 | ASA User Council Webinar in Meditation in B2B disputes: practical questions, Webinar, Finding the right
27 June 2022 | ICC Switzerland Workshop, Zurich, Switzerland, co-moderated discussion on Contracts & Arbitration in times of
16 June 2021 | Swiss Chamber of Commercial Mediation, Webinar, co- moderated discussion on Does mediation work with regard to
commercial disputes?
28 April 2021 | ZAV Fachgruppe Mediation, Webinar / Diskussionsrunde über Erfahrungen von Rechtsvertretern mit Mediation in
wirtschaftsrechtlichen Streitfällen
24 March 2021 | ICC Switzerland Webinar, moderator on 2021 ICC Arbitration Rules: Information and Roundtable
22 January 2021 | 2nd Belgrade ICC Construction and Arbitration Conference (virtual conference), Newest updates from arbitration
practice: joinder and consolidation, online hearings and electronic document sharing
4 November 2020 | Gabriel Arbitration Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, Keynote speaker, Disruption of Supply Chains – How to
Decide all Claims in one Go
12 June 2020 | Meritas Law Firms webinar, International Arbitral Tribunals: Selection, appointment and removal of arbirators –
Issues of impartiality and independence (in particular ICC Note of 2019 and IBA Guidelines of 2014
13 November 2019 | IPBA Arbitration Day, Osaka, Japan, Moderator of session on Med-Arb / Arb-Med – How to combine the best of the
two worlds? Chances and Risks
29 August 2019 | Europa Institut Universität Zürich, 4. Tagung zur Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit:
Hot Topics – Vergleichsverhandlungen vor Schiedsgerichten
27 June 2019 | AIJA 11th Annual Arbitration Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, Keynote speaker, Towards greater efficiency in
international arbitration
23 May 2019 | 15th IFCAI Biennal Conference, Helsinki, Finland, Speaker of Roundtable Discussion: Conflict Diagnosis, Conflict
Resolution Strategies and Versatile Use of ADR Mechanisms – How to Use Thes Tools for Strategic and Effective Conflict Resolution?
27 April 2019 | IPBA Conference, Singapore, Moderator of a mock case on Advantages and Pitfalls of Arb-Med Proceedings
12 March 2019 | Asia Club, HSG, St. Gall, Switzerland, International Arbitration – A Trusted Tool to Facilitate Global
8 March 2019 | UIA 26th World Forum of Mediation Centres, Zurich, Switzerland, The Swiss Dispute Resolution Landscape, in
particular, SCAI, Arb-Med-Arb
31 January 2019 | SCAI Innovation Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, All Eyes on the Arbitrator, Standards of Disclosure under the
ICC Note to Parties and Arbitral Tribunals of 1 January 2019
2 October 2018 | Swiss Russian Forum/Swiss Bar Association, Bern, Switzerland, Introduction in International Arbitration and ADR
for Russian Lawyers
26 April 2018 | GAR Live Zurich, The GAR Live Symposium
15 February 2017 | Iran-Switzerland Chamber of Commerce and SCAI, Teheran, Iran, The Role of Arbitration in International
8 September 2016 | IPBA Arbitration Day, Kuala Lumpur, Strict Approach to Discovery and Disclosure in international
16 April 2016 | IPBA Conference, Kuala Lumpur, The Non-Cooperating (Recalcitrant) Respondent; Guerrilla Tactics of
23 March 2016 | Istanbul University, Faculty of Law, Dispute Resolution Club, at ICC Switzerland, Zurich, Procedural Framework in
International Arbitration
24 September 2015 | ICC Switzerland: International Arbitration and Economic Sanctions, Zurich, Arbitration, Economic Sanctions
and Contracts (moderator)
12 and 15 May 2015 | Swiss-Chinese Dispute Resolution Forum 2015, Shanghai and Beijing, Switzerland: A Global Dispute Resolution
Forum (topic 1) and Expert Determination and Dispute Boards (topic 2)
4 December 2014 | Swiss Rules Workshop, Athens, Expedited Procedure and Panel Discussion
26 May 2014 | KIAC International Arbitration Conference 2014, Kigali, Rwanda, Multiparty Arbitrations in Practice; Joinder and
10 May 2014 | IPBA Conference, Vancouver, Courts and Arbitration: Interim Measures Emergency Relief, Disclosure, and other Issues
in Arbitration
24 April 2014 | ICC Switzerland / Swiss Arbitration Academy; joint arbitration session (host and moderator), Zurich, Experts'
Testimony: Dos and Don'ts
20 November 2013 | SCAI/DIS Veranstaltung, Stuttgart, Erste Erfahrungen mit den Swiss Rules 2012
12 November 2013 | SCAI/DIS Veranstaltung, Frankfurt, Erste Erfahrungen mit den Swiss Rules 2012
28 October 2013 | Swiss American Chamber of Commerce, Legal Committee, Zurich, Current revision of the Swiss Cartel Act
23 April 2013 | AIJA 2013 May Conference, Helsinki, Arbitration Institutions' Approach to Interim Measures
10 January 2013 | ChinaGoAbroad, Doing Business in Switzerland, Beijing, Arbitration in Switzerland
24 September 2012 | Zurich Bar Association, Arbitration Group, Zurich, The Swiss Chambers' Arbitration Institution, a look behind
the curtain
7 May 2012 | Swiss Chambers' Arbitration Institution Workshop, Revised Swiss Rules of International Arbitration, Emergency
9 September 2011 | ASA Conference on Arbitral Institutions under Scrutiny, Zurich, Principles of Good Governance and Organization
of Arbitral Institutions